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Toro Workman MDX

TORO WORKMAN MDX The Workman MDX with SRQ suspension combines a coil-over shock absorber suspen...

TORO WORKMAN MDX The Workman MDX with SRQ suspension combines a coil-over shock absorber suspension design with an Active In-Frame twister joint. These features deliver superior ride quality for optimum operator comfort and control. The hefty payload capacity and four-wheel hydraulic brakes enhance productivity to tackle the toughest jobs. The Workman MDX has the power and versatility to help you do more!


Toro Workman MDX-D

TORO WORKMAN MDX-D Part of the popular and proven Workman MD range of mid-duty utility vehicles...

TORO WORKMAN MDX-D Part of the popular and proven Workman MD range of mid-duty utility vehicles, the Toro Workman MDX-D diesel unit boasts an even more powerful performance and added endurance, thanks to its engine’s higher torque and improved fuel efficiency.  The MDX-D’s 600cc Kubota diesel engine is liquid-cooled, providing longer engine life than petrol models. And with the vehicle’s continuous variable transmission (CVT) belt-drive transmission design, the unit delivers high compressio...
